Contact us

- You will always find us in the kitchen at parties


Nicola at TRUFFLEhound


Chiswick, London


Tel: 07763 563752





Office Hours: Mon-Sat
9.00 - 7.00 p.m


You can also use our contact form.




yOur business is our business

We regularly work with corporate clients across West London. TRUFFLEhound brings the same exacting standards in planning, executing and delivering corporate events, as it does to planning every event. Our attention to detail and use of only experienced reliable staff, means that you can focus on your customers and clients


Having backgrounds in the commercial world, we understand that branding, professionalism, and excellent customer service are essential. Your customers will see us as an extension of your business, and we can bring a feel-good factor to your event


Here's what some of our clients have to say:

"We would wholeheartedly recommend TRUFFLEhound to any prospective clients as the whole experience they provide is exceptional. The canapes are delightfully presented and taste out of this world
During the event we are then free and clear to converse with our clients, knowing that the catering is being professionally looked after.
We are a luxury high-end brand. our clients expect the highest level of service, and this is why we always use TRUFFLEhound for our corporate events
Managing Directors, B&O Ealing

regularly caters for Articulate Marketing events, including several staff 'awaydays' where Jo and her team have prepared 'brain food' designed to feed the body, mind and creative soul. They always deliver delicious imaginative, generous and above all tasty food. I cannot recommend them highly enough."
CEO, Articulate Marketing



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